Tacos And Ice Cream

Sucia Island, San Juan’s, USA

When I woke up, it was pretty much time to leave. We figured out what we wanted to do though first. Did we want to stay in the San Juan’s one more day to explore? Or did we want to go straight to La Conner? After a brief discussion we decided to say goodbye to the San Juan’s and go to La Conner.

Now you might be wondering why we would be so excited to go to La Conner. Susan McKee, a friend from Sun Valley, has a house in Shelter Bay, right next to La Conner. She happens to have a dock next to her house and she let us use it, we couldn’t believe our luck! Thank you so much Susan!

So we went straight there, I stayed in the hammock most of the time swinging in the breeze. It was so nice out, that even though I was a bit chilly, I wanted to stay outside and enjoy it while it lasted.

The trip went pretty quickly for me, I know that I sat in the cockpit and had some snacks but other than that, I swung in the hammock, it was a game and I would try and make myself swing really high. Which didn’t work too well since the boat just isn’t quite built for too much swinging, I knew it was strong enough though.



I spotted La Conner and I started recognizing things, it was so fun. When we entered the bay we called Susan and she gave us directions to the dock. We saw her wave and we got the bumpers and the ropes all ready. Then we backed up and jumped off to get all the lines in order. After a few minutes, once everything was all tidy, we said hello.

It’s crazy meeting people from back home because it’s like a piece of home. I guess we don’t have to wait too long to be back in Hailey but it is fun. Her dog is so cute, he is 15 years old and is still going strong! We sat on the boat and I gave her a tour and then we went up to her house for a tour.

She has a lot of cool boat art, my favorite were all her model boats. I like them because they show such detail, wouldn’t it be fun to have a model of Merlin? That would be totally awesome, I should look into that. I wonder what that would cost, probably a lot more than I have, since at the moment, the only money I have is in the bank.

Susan let us borrow her car for a few hours and we figured out where we wanted to go. We decided to go to Mt. Vernon, which I had heard of, but never been. On the car drive we passed La Conner and then came across some fields. They were all planted in neat rows that stretched for acres and acres, I wonder how many acres of fields there were! There must have been thousands.

Even though we got a bit mixed up in the process, we ended up getting to Mt. Vernon (which is a town) at the perfect time. That perfect time was me being hungry, I needed something. We found a geocache and then went into a taco place. I wanted just a snack, but since it was Tuesday and they had one dollar tacos, we decided to eat an early dinner.



Wow the tacos were so good, I ordered two at first and just kept getting more. It didn’t matter though, they were $1 amazing tacos. We payed for four tacos for me even though I had 5 because she messed up on the order. It was the best taco place we have been to on the whole trip. After dinner we went over to a little Co-op where I got a Strawberry Balsamic with Basil ice cream. Dad and Mom didn’t like it but I absolutely loved it, it had big chunks of Strawberry in it. What a awesome night, tacos and ice cream two of the greatest things.

3 thoughts on “Tacos And Ice Cream”

  1. Cute picture of you with Dud and Susan. Such fun talking with you. You could probably order a kit of a boat just like Merlin and have fun painting it and doing the lines with string. Call a hobby store. George did several at your age. Love you, El


  2. Glad you had fun! Went to the Co op and they were OUT of the strawberry Balsamic! Did you have more than one cone???? 🙂 THANK YOU FOR VISITING!! It was SO MUCH FUN having you there! Susan and Dudley


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