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  1. What a lovely photo of you and Chloe, and your family together with the Hughes. I so enjoy reading your posts and living vicariously. Jeff and I did the Victoria, Tofino, Nanaimo Vancouver circuit by car in early June. We forfeited a trip to Greece on a sailboat with friends due to Jeff’s deteriorating walking ability. (Rugby and Chloe -we just watched the rugby world cup final last night with my godson. Erin who is an architect and lives in Seattle, and his mom, an RN, who just arrived from MN to stay with us for a week. Jeff had coached rugby so he could orient them to the sport/plays.)

    Jeff had a “bit” of an accident two weeks ago, fell down the interior front stairs and was unconscious so it was a very scary night. It happened three days before he was scheduled for a major cervical (discectomy and vertebrectomy) for numbness and atrophy in leg and arm due to critical impingement of vertebrae and discs on his spine. He suffered a brain bleed, three broken ribs, broken foot(toe) hand(thumb) and pseudo gout in left hand. They ambulanced him to a second hospital with a neurology dept to watch him closely. He is doing very well, memory back, will have the surgery now in mid August if brain bleed is gone. He has casts on foot and hand, walks with a walker, is sleeping on a hospital bed in our living room. Yesterday I was able to take him upstairs for a shower on a special chair for the first time. He actually seems quite normal, whatever that means, but I have arranged for OT, PT, RN, a bather weekly, and a speech therapist/cognitive assessor is arriving today. We have to keep him safe until the next surgery that we hope will resolve some of the walking issues he has been coping with the last few years. He took a bad fall skiing after the end of the coaching season (his leg kind of collapsed) when skiing with Sunnyside Sliders, old guys who still go fast. He had coached 8 yr olds for CMAC this winter and his goal is to be on the slopes again this coming winter!
    I have had a very busy work schedule, am the only local sales person for a small company that builds furniture out of urban salvaged trees. I just secured a very large project this spring, all the common area furniture for the 8th and Howell Hyatt on the old greyhound bus site. It will be the largest hotel in Seattle, opens in December so I am busy trying to help manage that and all other orders/projects with my sales project coordinator.
    We also are lucky to have Adriane, Khalid and our grand wonders move nearby, four blocks below us, so are within walking distance. And their bus stop will be on 31st two blocks away! Lola (4) will be in her last year of preschool, Ella (8)and Sienna (6) are at TOPs in Eastlake. They bring much joy to our lives.
    I must end this novel! Nothing like a second cup o” coffee. We hope to see you guys upon your return, if/when passing through Seattle. Thanks for sharing your adventures with us. Much love and hugs to all of you. The other Loie xo


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